R3VIVE Fitness first opened its doors on October 1st, 2019 and is going strong ever since, thanks to you all. Every year, we celebrate this date with a friendly gym-wide competition and an after-party on the first Saturday of October.
This year, the 5th Annual R3VIVE In-House Throwdown is on Saturday, October 5th. Come one, come all, bring a friend (or two), and let’s celebrate the start of this amazing community and all the hard work, sweat, and maybe even a few tears we all put in throughout the year. Let’s challenge ourselves, cheer on our friends, and of course, enjoy the party afterwards (because balance is important)! We hope that this challenge will spark a fire in you to continue pushing and pursuing a better and fitter version of yourself.
Sign up today, because the event is only 5 weeks away! And yes, you are ready. You’ve been working towards it the whole year, whether you knew it or not 😉
You might ask yourself why you would want to compete? The more obvious reason is to simply gauge where we stand amongst our peers. We believe that competing is much more than that. We compete to test how far we’ve come since the start of our fitness journeys. We do it because it’s fun to see what your body can do. We do it because our community is right behind us watching and cheering us into the next rep or just going a little faster or harder. We do it because we always surprise ourselves and say “Hell yeah! I just did that!”.
This year, there will be only two divisions: Perform and Build. Each division will be open, which means that there will be no seperate divisions for men and women. Each workout will have standardstypical of what you might see in Perform/Build workouts in classes.
BUILD All Dumbbell Work (35/25#) Ring Rows AbMat Sit-Ups Push-Ups (Incline on 24″ Box) Russian Kettlebell Swings for Reps (35/26#) Box Step-Ups (24/20″)
PERFORM All Dumbbell Work (50/35#) Pull-Ups Toes to Bar Wall Walks for Reps Box Jumps for Reps (24/20″) Thrusters for Reps (95/65#) Clean and Jerk for Reps (135/95#)
There is a registration fee of $40 to sign up. The collected money will be used for prizes, after-party, and coach compensation. This is a celebration and we welcome everyone to come cheer and support those competing wheather you are participating in the event or not. Family friends and all members are more than welcome to come support and hang for the after party.
R3VIVE Fitness first opened its doors on October 1st, 2019 and is going strong ever since, thanks to you all. Every year, we celebrate this date with a friendly gym-wide competition and an after-party on the first Saturday of October.
This year, the 5th Annual R3VIVE In-House Throwdown is on Saturday, October 5th. Come one, come all, bring a friend (or two), and let’s celebrate the start of this amazing community and all the hard work, sweat, and maybe even a few tears we all put in throughout the year. Let’s challenge ourselves, cheer on our friends, and of course, enjoy the party afterwards (because balance is important)! We hope that this challenge will spark a fire in you to continue pushing and pursuing a better and fitter version of yourself.
Sign up today, because the event is only 5 weeks away! And yes, you are ready. You’ve been working towards it the whole year, whether you knew it or not 😉
You might ask yourself why you would want to compete? The more obvious reason is to simply gauge where we stand amongst our peers. We believe that competing is much more than that. We compete to test how far we’ve come since the start of our fitness journeys. We do it because it’s fun to see what your body can do. We do it because our community is right behind us watching and cheering us into the next rep or just going a little faster or harder. We do it because we always surprise ourselves and say “Hell yeah! I just did that!”.
This year, there will be only two divisions: Perform and Build. Each division will be open, which means that there will be no seperate divisions for men and women. Each workout will have standards typical of what you might see in Perform/Build workouts in classes.
All Dumbbell Work (35/25#)
Ring Rows
AbMat Sit-Ups
Push-Ups (Incline on 24″ Box)
Russian Kettlebell Swings for Reps (35/26#)
Box Step-Ups (24/20″)
All Dumbbell Work (50/35#)
Toes to Bar
Wall Walks for Reps
Box Jumps for Reps (24/20″)
Thrusters for Reps (95/65#)
Clean and Jerk for Reps (135/95#)
There is a registration fee of $40 to sign up. The collected money will be used for prizes, after-party, and coach compensation.
This is a celebration and we welcome everyone to come cheer and support those competing wheather you are participating in the event or not. Family friends and all members are more than welcome to come support and hang for the after party.
October 5, 2024 @ 8:00 am – 12:00 pm