2023 In-House Throw Down, Recap
We have officially celebrated our 4th year in business and we did it the best way we know how – with a throw down. Who doesn’t love a physical challenge with a party afterwards? This year, the R3VIVE In-House Throwdown was nothing short of amazing. Every single athlete put in their best effort, challenged themselves with each event, showed support for each other, and displayed how much hard work they have put in this year with training.

Why We Compete
Every athlete competes and participates for different reasons. Whether it’s because you enjoy competition – you want to prove to yourself you can take on a new challenge – or you simply want to have fun with your friends, coming together with your community to celebrate the gym and your hard work is something we love doing each year.
As coaches, we always want to see the community grow and achieve their fitness, health, and wellness goals. You showed up AND showed out. The support that y’all showed each other as a community is extremely motivating for us to continue to push forward.
The Events
While this is a celebration of fitness and growth from the course of the year, we did have some very tough tests and challenges. We are so proud and impressed by each of your efforts and performances through each test.
Event 1 & 2 was fun to watch (and judge.) The run (600m for Build and 800m for Perform) was tough and set up the back half of those two events to be both mentally and physically challenging. Some of you really came out of the gate flying on that run with some fast times. Tom with a 2:31 min, Kit with a 2:33 min, and Emily with a 2:49 min 800m run was nuts. Our Build athletes put on a show of their own with Rohan running 2:25 min, Raul with 2:27 min, and Rodneil with 2:38 min. This was followed up directly with Event 2, where we saw some of you come out of nowhere to take the lead! Emily moved to the front, with Tom, then Ari coming out to take top three. For Build, Rodniel creeped up to finish first, followed by a come from behind performance by Srini and Raul. You all came out and crushed it!!
Event 3 was a lifting event with minimal rest between the attempts. Even with tired legs, y’all impressed all of us with your determination and strength. Perform did a 5 min EMOM of 1 clean +1 hang clean + 2 jerks for total load, with Emily coming out on top with Salzy and Josh D. close behind (Josh and Salzy were only separated by 10lbs). Build performed a 5 min EMOM of 4 step back lunges for total load, and had an incredibly impressive performance from Carolyn taking first followed by Rodniel and Srini. Seeing the entire field’s fight and grit to push themselves and express their strength in these lifts was amazing. I hope each of you are impressed with yourselves as much as y’all impressed us!
Event 4 was a classic triplet of wall balls, burpees, and pull-ups for Perform, and thrusters, burpees, and ring rows for Build. This workout was a bit deceiving and surprised a few of us with how tough it turned out to be. Kit, Emily, and Keith took top three with some smooth and consistent pacing. Rodniel, Aspasi, and a tie between Carolyn and Srini rounded out the top three scores in this event. The fight from all our athletes during this workout to finish out was real and you all showed your aerobic capacity and ability to handle some serious work.
Our floater was a short event of dumbbell cleans and sandbag carry that showed our ability to perform some grunt work. This event was very short but tough and came down to your posterior chain, strength, and endurance to keep that sandbag up and not drop it. Emily, Kit, and Tom took top three in Perform. A special shout-out goes to Ari, since this was her first time getting after the heavier sandbag!! For Build, we had Rodniel, Carolyn, and Aspasi taking the top three. This is a very impressive performance from Aspasi, since she is one of the smaller athletes in the field trying to move and carry those heavy weights.
Every year, we are amazed and inspired by our athletes during the throwdown. It is because of your support for the gym and each other that we get to throw this event every year. You should be proud of yourselves for putting in so much hard work throughout the year, since we all know how hard it can be to fit in fitness with work and life. Seeing everyone grow and improve each year is something we as a gym are very proud of. Let’s all keep pushing and supporting each other to achieve all our fitness, health, and wellness goals!!