Turning the Curve
Sun is shining, the weather is sweet. Makes you wanna move, your dancing feet…
Here we are, we’ve arrived at the warmer weather months (finally!). While the pollen is in full throttle, and my budget is now geared toward purchasing antihistamines. The optimist in me is excited for more sun around these parts, which usually means there’s an opportunity to get up and get out more often — even at the cost of a few sneezes along the way!
My most nostalgic moments always occur during the warmer seasons. The opportunity for taking on new hobbies and exploring new areas in the northeast; discovering new places I never knew existed, or taking on challenges I never thought to do.
Sometimes I wish I took more advantage of these things when I was younger. For example, I’ve only recently gone kayaking on the Charles River after years of seeing people out on the water having fun. Have I been living under a rock all these years? What’s prevented me from exploring and doing more? Why does it seem like something always comes up when I try to make time for myself?

Becoming opportunistic
I’m sure there are some folks out there who can relate and if you are anything like the old me (past tense, but I am old), you’ve probably passed up on many opportunities to take on new challenges because there seems to be always something going on.
Have you ever seen the movie “yes man” with Jim Carey? If not, spoilers ahead… but the one thing I took away from that film was how sometimes our defenses can interfere with the potential for being the best version of ourselves. In the movie, Carl (Jim Carrey’s character), has gone through a lot of tough events in his life and his outlook and energy becomes increasingly negative. That is, until he visits a conference where the speaker convinces the masses – in cult-like fashion – to always say “yes” to every opportunity that presents itself.
Obviously this is a dry witted, humorous film and I’m not suggesting that you say “yes” to everything, but if there’s something to take away from the film, it’s the chance to allow more fun and adventure into your lives especially now, given all that we see going on in the world and having gone through an era of limited human interaction.

As I sit here today, moments before I take a mini-vacation to Puerto Rico (which almost did not happen due to all the excuses I constantly play out in my head), I think of all the things I want to do this summer and beyond, such as:
- Continuing with swimming lessons;
- Continuing with Salsa dance lessons;
- Lose 10lbs over the course of the summer by eating healthier;
- Go on longer walks and hiking with my dog, Olaf;
- Read more books, especially outdoors;
- Play more outdoor sports…
In closing
Rather than avoiding the chance for new experiences, I’m going to allow myself to be open to what may come, rather than overthinking and / or expecting the negative. Can you relate to being this way at times? If so, I hope that I have motivated you to make a small change in your life and allow things to come by saying “yes” more often.
Not to toot the horn of my gym, but a majority of the new things I want to try have all come via the motivation of others, mainly from our gym. As an owner, I’m extremely proud of the community we have cultivated at R3VIVE. We don’t only change lives for our members, we inspire extended change beyond our facility!
To those listening, whether you are a member or not, I challenge you to do the same!