R3VIVE’s Member of the Month, January, 2022
Introducing our Gym M.O.M. (Member of the Month) for January, 2022 … Agne Jakubauskaite!
There’s no better way to welcome in the new year by making the gym M.O.M. a person who we can all aspire to be! Agne is the definition of a hard worker. If we gave her a key to the gym, we’re sure she would be the first person in and last person out!
Not only is her dedication and commitment to fitness a part of her strengths, but her friendliness and kindness is contagious and a huge asset to our community. Agne is always willing to learn and absorbs information by asking follow up questions, which we always welcome and encourage! We couldn’t have selected a better candidate to represent us and kick off the new year on a high note.
Learn more about Agne below!
Q: What made you decide to start functional fitness training?
I played sports as a teenager but in my twenties somehow ended up being very out of shape because the regular gym, yoga, and running couldn’t keep me motivated. Nothing really stuck until I walked into a CrossFit gym.
Q: Are you a student/working professional/both? What do you do for a living?
I make crochet and knitted toys while listening to audiobooks!
Q: What are some of your favorite movements (name up to three)?
Box Jumps, Power Cleans, Sandbag Carries.
Q: What are your least favorite movements?
Any kind of squats.
Q: What movements do you want to improve at?
Q: What advice do you have for someone considering our gym?
Just do it! You’ll get a lot of help and guidance no matter what your goals are or where you are starting. I really mean it, you don’t need to get in shape to start functional fitness (something I used to believe).
Q: What’s your favorite “cheat” food?
Ice cream!
Q: What is your guilty pleasure?
Real estate reality TV shows.
Q: Do you have any nicknames?
No 🙁
Q: An interesting fact that we probably don’t know about you!
I have three cats that don’t get along and have to be kept separately at all times so nobody gets murdered.