Fall Programming Cycle 2024
Fall Programming Cycle 2024

It’s time to jump into our fall Functional Fitness programming cycle. We will continue to see consistency in our strength training and progressions in relation to which day they fall on. This cycle, Mondays will be power based strength movements focused on our posterior chain, Tuesdays will be upper pressing gymnastics and weightlifting, Heavy deadlifts and hinge endurance on Wednesdays, Thursdays will be unilateral body building and strict upper body pulling, and finishing out with squatting strength on Fridays
Our strength progressions will see more A-Week B-Week splits to help round out similar to Fridays from the previous cycle. This will help us ensure that everyone is getting exposure to all movement patterns in the cycle.
Our conditioning focus this cycle will have a more varied approach to build on all the aerobic base work we have done through the summer. This will include days where we only focus on conditioning, allowing you to go into the metcon without the fatigue from doing strength work beforehand. This will help with focusing on building intensity in our aerobic development.
The fall cycle will have a focus on Plyometrics and working the skill of core to extremity to express strength. This will coincide with absolute strength and technique development in the push press and deadlift. Expect to see varying tempos in our strength work to work through control of each lift as well. For our lower pushing strength, we will not be focusing on any specific exercise but will instead hit a variety of exercises to build strength through different patterns. Expect to test our Deadlift 3RM,and our Push press 3RM.
Conditioning will focus on bringing in more intensity from the last cycle to build upon all the aerobic base work we have put in. While there will be no specific test this cycle for our conditioning, we will see some variation of classic functional fitness workouts such as Helen, Fran, and DT. There will also be some days where Build and Perform will have more crossover.

We are going to have a larger focus in progressing our absolute strength development from the previous summer cycles into power and strength endurance work. Expect to see Clean and jerk progressions, working from power cleans into full cleans through the cycle. A blend of deadlift strength and strength endurance, while also alternating between strict gymnastic pressing and push press strength week to week. We will round everything out with unilateral body building exercises combined with strict pulling gymnastics strength. Then finishing off the week with a squat day focusing on front and overhead squats. Some notable tests this cycle will be a 1RM clean & Jerk, 1 RM deadlift, 3RM push press.
We will focus on intensity during this cycle during our conditioning pieces. With workouts with more moderate time domains. We can also expect to have more conditioning only days so that we can blend some of our strength movements into higher intensity work. This will allow us to bring more intensity and focus to these metcons without being pre-fatigued from the strength portion. You will see some days that crossover with the build program.