Introducing Our New Training Track, PUMP

After successfully piloting our new PUMP program and receiving enthusiastic feedback from trial participants, we are thrilled to add this track to our class schedule.
What is PUMP?
The PUMP track offers an intense and challenging experience that is different from our BUILD and PERFORM tracks. This program allocates more time to strength training while incorporating endurance and conditioning. PUMP is designed to allow participants to progress within its framework, there’s no limit to how much you can grow and challenge yourself as you progress through the program.
PUMP will be its own programming framework focused on strength development, centered around traditional body building and compound lifts. You will be challenged by higher volume sets, testing your ability to push through fatigue, enhancing your focus by concentrating on your mind / body connection.
This track is more focused on visible muscle growth.
Key Benefits of the PUMP Program:
- Promotes muscle growth through optimal hypertrophy training with higher rep ranges
- Enhanced fat loss through increased total muscle mass
- Higher muscle endurance, allowing for long periods of exercise without feeling fatigue.
We will also include shorter conditioning periods within a class setting, or use longer conditioning sessions strictly for recovery.
Here is a breakdown as to how a PUMP class would be structured and an example of a class program:
Strength Intensity
In this example the class will begin with heavy compound lifts with moderate to high repetitions. This builds strength and hypertrophy through a multi-joint movement.
Strength Balance
These unilateral exercises are implemented to promote power and stability, while supporting the compound movements that were worked in the previous set of movements.
Finishing the workout with conditioning pushes the body to work under fatigue, enhancing endurance as well as increasing blood flow and promoting muscle recovery/improving soreness.
A: Strength Intensity
E(3:00) X 4;
Incline Bench Press @ 21X1
Working Set 1 – 8 reps – RPE 7
Working Set 2 – 8 reps – same weight
Working Set 3 – 8 reps – same weight
Working Set 4 – AMRAP with no pauses
@ 20X1 Tempo – same weight
B: Strength Balance
In 15:00; X 3
1) 8 Right Arm KB Filly Press
@ 21X1 + 15m KB Front Rack Carry
rest 30 sec
2) 3-5 Mixed Grip Pull-up Right Hand Supinated
@ 21X0L1–L2
rest 30 sec
3) 8 Left Arm KB Filly Press
@ 21X1 + 15m KB Front Rack Carry
rest 30 sec
4) 3-5 Mixed Grip Pullup Left Hand Supinated
@ 21X0L1–L2
rest 90 sec and then back to 1
C: Conditioning
2 SETS – AMRAP (6:00);
500/400m Row Buy In
Then in remaining time…
Supinated Grip Bodyrow
* 2 Inchworm pushups between each round.
Is This Program for Me?
If you are interested in a strength focused program, with the intention of gaining visible muscle mass while burning fat, then YES, this program is for you!
However, here are few important things you should consider:
- Your commitment is required for roughly 6 weeks (4x week) from the start of each training block. This means we suggest sticking to the training block of your choosing for the entire duration.
- You will be challenged to push through sets / reps.
- Be prepared to bring your best effort for each class.Your mindset will determine your success!
- If you prefer a casual post work sweat, this program may not be right fit for you.
- If you are motivated to see progress and want to push yourself to see results, this program is for you!
- For aerobic / recovery days, we recommend taking the functional fitness classes on the scheduled “recovery” day (typically Thursday’s).
Do we have your Interest?
If so, great! We will begin adding PUMP to the class schedule starting the week of September 9th. As always, be sure to register for class ahead of time. Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out to a coach or send a message to