Functional Fitness Training Block: Spring 25′
Hey R3VIVE Athletes,
It’s the start of spring and a new training block. This block will be 7 weeks long, starting on March 17th and ending on April 28th. Toward the end of this block, we will be introducing our annual Partner Challenge – get ready!
Our Functional Fitness classes will focus on strength basics, working through simple linear progressions so we can focus on technique and consistency. Expect both Perform and Build to overlap often on our strength progressions since it is good for everyone to return to the basics every now and then. You can expect to see themes in the metcons each day. This will help add variety while also maintaining a structure to the conditioning pieces.
Our Pump classes will finish its current strength cycle then go into another 5 week cycle, ending on the week of April 28th. ur movement pattern days will remain similar throughout but our strength cycles will be a bit off. Our first block will remain focused on lower rep ranges and higher intensities, while our second block will focus on time under tension.
Track Specific Goals
This spring cycle, expect to see a return to basics through a linear strength progression. Strength will look to work on back squats, push press, and deadlifts. This progression will remain simple so that the focus can be on refining technique and building consistency without too many distractions. Perform will also see a return back to the basics so expect there to be some overlap between the two tracks. Our main tests at the end of this block will be a 3 RM pause back squat, and a 5 RM deadlift.
For Conditioning we will bring in themed days. This will help create structure while also allowing us to build in a variability to keep everything fresh, fun, and challenging. Each day will have a specific focus with our main test at the end of the cycle, being a 10 min bike test.
Our focus is basic strength progressions. While we normally have build and perform follow similar strength blocks with different intents, this cycle will have more overlap. It will allow everyone to refocus on technique and consistency. Our main test at the end of the cycle will be a 1RM pause back squat, and a 1 RM power clean.
Our conditioning will test out with our popular 10 min max cal bike test. The remainder of the cycle will be following themed days every week, similar to Build. Expect some more complexity in movement selection with higher power output needs.
Pump will be finishing up its current Power Building cycle as Functional Fitness begins its new strength cycle. We will readjust the days to be sure they match up with the same general movement patterns, so that it is easy for both coach and athletes to choose which class to do. Our second cycle will focus on time under tension, either through higher rep ranges or longer tempos.
Pump will continue to focus on A-B weeks, working the same pattern but with different exercises rotating each week. Our Power Building Cycle at the front of this block will focus on lower rep ranges with higher intensities. While the next strength cycle on the back half of the block will work more volume and time under tension through tempos and higher rep sets. This time under tension focus will be the main driver in muscle building, while also allowing our tendons and ligaments more resilient.
While conditioning is not the focus for these classes,we still want to expose athletes to it. We will be sticking to a certain style for each day- at least at the start of the cycle. Keep in mind also that we might see some adjustments to the timing or duration for these based on how the classes are progressing and how you are feeling.